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Bangor Casino Launches Blackjack Games in Maine

The Hollywood Casino located in Bangor, Maine recently announced that it would be opening blackjack tables within the week. Players can also expect to enjoy other table games like roulette, poker and so on.

The casino will open its blackjack tables to the public at 8 am and blackjack players will be able to sit down at the new tables. The Hollywood Casino hosted a preview of its games to special guests who tried out the casino’s roulette, poker and other tables. The preview did not feature real money bets and all the official and VIP guests present at the preview simply enjoyed the fun aspect of the games.

When the Hollywood Casino opens to players, it will feature 6 different blackjack tables and 7 poker tables on its gaming floor. Players who are fond of roulette will have only 1 table open to them. This expansion of the Hollywood Casino featuring table games follows on the wake of the casino getting the authorisation to add other games to their offerings. Earlier, the Hollywood Casino only featured slot machines.

Dan Cashman, a spokesperson for the Hollywood Casino commented on the recent blackjack game offering status update, stating, “It’s the new phase. It’s more of a complete gaming experience.”

Hollywood Casino is run by Penn National Gaming and it is expected that the addition of table games will cause a 10% to 15% increase in revenue.

This blog entry was posted on Monday, March 26th, 2012 at 5:47 pm and is filed under Blackjack News.

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