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Blackjack Operations Shutdown in Blue Mountain Casino in Washington

The Blue Mountain Casino in Walla Walla, WA recently announced that it was closing up its Blackjack operations due to financial constraints. The Casino said that it was shutting down a significant portion of its gambling operations because the tables are not bringing in sufficient revenue and in the interests of the business, the Blackjack operations at the Casino had to be wound up.

Pat Jutz the owner of the casino stated that, starting this week, the Casino will no longer offer Blackjack games as all 5 of its existing blackjack tables will be removed. Jutz plans to replace the existing blackjack tables with either pool tables or clear the space so that it can be used as a dance floor.

Jutz said that the main reason behind the decision to shut down the blackjack tables was because of two factors. One was the fact that the economy was still recovering which meant that there was less money being spent by players and the second factor was that due to the constant hikes in minimum wage, it was difficult to continue supporting the staff’s salaries.

Due to the shutting down of the blackjack tables, Jutz estimates that around 25 staff could be affected.



This blog entry was posted on Wednesday, April 10th, 2013 at 8:05 pm and is filed under Blackjack News.

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