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Recreational Gambler Uses Blackjack to Deal with Vision Loss

Mark Gruetze, noted writer and recreational gambler, spoke of how blackjack helped him deal with his loss of vision in a positive manner.

He says that he can definitely “vouch that blackjack is a blind man’s game.” In his case, blackjack was something much more—it was a healing force, a tool that actually helped him regain his confidence.

Gruetze had to undergo around eight surgeries in three months because of detached and torn retinas in both his eyes. The result was that he had to deal with loss of vision in both his eyes, something that proved to be very challenging not only for him, but also for his wife.

To comfort himself, he began playing blackjack. The first time he did so, he could hardly see the cards—they looked like fuzzy rectangles. In spite of this, he won the game thanks to his wife’s help. A week later, he could not only see his own cards, but could detect the croupier’s cards too. In fact, each trip to the blackjack table proved that his sight was actually getting back to normal.

Although medical care and time played an important role in the healing process, blackjack gave him the boost in self-esteem he badly needed.

This blog entry was posted on Monday, November 11th, 2013 at 5:24 pm and is filed under Blackjack News.

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