Online Blackjack Odds

Blackjack Videos

Here are some of the best online blackjack videos on the web. We have blackjack strategy videos that will help improve your game. We also have interesting blackjack videos that may not show strategy but are worth a watch.

Incredible Blackjack Hand

This video is of Daniel Tammit a genious who has the best memory in the world. He has the record for reciting pi and is an autistic savant (rainman) who has limited social problems (which is very rare). He plays blackjack in vegas and uses card counting but in the end tuition seems to serve him better.

Blackjack Expert (MIT Team) Talks On "Beating the House"

Mike from the MIT Blackjack Team talks about how he played and won millions from Las Vegas. He also gives a simple lesson in card counting strategy to the Fox News anchorman.

More Blackjack Video Pages

Find out how to play at casinos with our casino blackjack advantage play video from the tv show: The Real Hustle.

Watch a classic blackjack scene in an Entourage Blackjack Episode in the second season.

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