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Play Smart and Have Fun, Suggests Blackjack Player

Blackjack player Marc Meltzer shared his blackjack strategies in an article published on Gaming Today. He says that whenever he walks into a casino, he is concerned with two things—playing smartly and having fun, adding that it is important to strike a balance between the two.

Casinos have an advantage over players in almost every casino game, although playing blackjack might give players a percentage or two over the casino. Players can implement strategies to gain a point or two, but that’s all they will be able to manage.

Everybody wants to win at blackjack and other games in a casino, but Meltzer warns that players should not let their desire to win reduce their ability to have fun. Having fun with friends in a casino is almost as important as choosing the more player friendly variant of blackjack. But implementing the best strategies and choosing player friendly games is not always possible when one is in a casino in the company of friends who just want to gamble and have fun.

However, using proper bankroll management techniques, having the willingness to accept losses gracefully, and knowing the casino’s advantage go a long way in helping players play smartly and have fun at the same time.

This blog entry was posted on Wednesday, September 4th, 2013 at 4:36 pm and is filed under Blackjack News.

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