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David Beckham to Promote Las Vegas Sands’ Services in Asia

According to the terms of an agreement recently signed between football star David Beckham and Las Vegas Sands, the former will promote the latter’s services in the Asian market.

Las Vegas Sands, a giant international gambling company, wants to launch a mobile casino in China, but the gambling laws of that country do not permit mobile casino gaming. The company hopes that Beckham will help attract more and more wealthy Chinese gamblers to Las Vegas Sands’ gambling services.

Since advertising casino gaming services is illegal in China, Las Vegas Sands will not be able to use Beckham to promote their gambling services directly. The company is therefore taking a roundabout route. Beckham will help promote Las Vegas Sands’ retail and entertainment services in Asia and any gamblers who explore these services will be encouraged to try the casino.

Since Beckham is not associated with any mobile sportsbooks, Las Vegas Sands must’ve had a tough time to get him to sign the deal, especially as gambling companies are trying every marketing technique available to grab their share of the Asian market. However, only time can tell exactly what type of influence Beckham will have on Las Vegas Sands’ operations in Asia.

This blog entry was posted on Monday, December 23rd, 2013 at 5:51 pm and is filed under Casino News.

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