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Mount Airy to Hire Northampton’s First Blackjack Trainees

The first batch of Northampton’s table games trainees, who finished their blackjack training on Thursday, hope to land up at Mount Airy. If state lawmakers permit, the casino hopes to launch table games early June.

Blackjack is more popular than any other class offered at Northampton Community College, which began offering job-oriented table games courses as soon as the state legislature approved table games. The curriculum was purchased from Atlantic Cape Community College and the instructors were obtained from Mount Airy.

Eighty-seven of the 92 students who signed up for the initial blackjack sessions are still on roll, says Community Education Dean of Northampton College Paul Pierpoint. He is sure that all of them will graduate.

George Toth, the president of Mount Airy, is ready to hire a majority of them provided they satisfy their license requirements. He said that the students’ performance in class, their dedication, motivation, sense of work ethics, and ability to interact with others will determine if Mount Airy will have them.

The students have already learned basic chip and card handling skills during Northampton’s 120-hour course, which lasted for 6 weeks. They must now take written and performance exams on procedures and dealing as well as a CPR course.

This blog entry was posted on Friday, April 23rd, 2010 at 9:48 pm and is filed under Blackjack News.

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