Online Blackjack Odds
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Improving Your Chances of Winning at Blackjack Tables

Expert blackjack players are quite aware that several factors are responsible for winning a game of blackjack. Before sitting at a blackjack table, players must choose the best blackjack variant and the best gaming conditions. Smart players always choose a casino that offers the most player friendly gaming conditions.

The following are a few tips to help players choose the most favorable blackjack gaming conditions. The best blackjack variants are those that use single or double decks and the best blackjack casinos are those that do not use continuous shuffling machines. The most player friendly blackjack variants are those that offer late or early surrender options, double down options after splitting a pair of cards, and re-splitting options. The ideal blackjack variants are those in which the dealer has to stand on soft 17.

Next, players must master basic blackjack strategy, which is nothing but knowing exactly how to play one’s hand. If players learn to implement proper blackjack strategy, they can lower the house edge by at least 1 percent.

Players can use several betting strategies, but some blackjack experts recommend the progressive betting strategy, or in other words, increasing one’s bet size whenever one wins and do flat betting whenever one loses.

This blog entry was posted on Wednesday, August 22nd, 2012 at 6:40 pm and is filed under Blackjack News.

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