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Celebrities Who Love Life and Play Blackjack

Several celebrities are fond of playing blackjack, and here are some of them.

P. Daddy, Puff Daddy, Papa Diddy, Diddy, or anything else he might be called loves life and playing blackjack. He doesn’t feel it is out of the ordinary to spend millions on celebrating his birthday or renting a yacht for $400k per week. Diddy is devoted to playing the game of poker. Reportedly, he had requested for a blackjack table to be placed in his dressing room during an MTV Music Awards ceremony so that he could play the game with his friends.

Paris Hilton is also frequently seen playing blackjack at the casinos of Las Vegas. Two months back, she won an impressive amount of $50,000 playing blackjack after receiving $100,000 for being the DJ at a nightclub in Atlantic City.

Prince Harry, another fan of blackjack, once played blackjack at Las Vegas while a large crowd looked on. He later said that he enjoyed the free drinks served to him at the casino. Shortly thereafter, he lost $300 playing blackjack.

Ben Affleck, the Oscar-winning movie star, loves playing high-stakes casino games, and not many people know it. In 2001, he won $800,000 playing blackjack at the Hard Rock Hotel.

This blog entry was posted on Friday, May 2nd, 2014 at 5:42 pm and is filed under Blackjack News.

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