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Blackjack Players Place Multi-Million Dollar On Charlie Sheen

Charlie Sheen’s future has become one of the most debated topics since reports about him getting into trouble time and again because of addictions have been on the rise. Surprisingly, Sheen has become such a topic of interest that two blackjack players have placed a million dollar bet on him!

Recent news regarding two individuals having placed a multi-million dollar bet on the future of Charlie Sheen are now making rounds in the online gaming industry. According to the report, a $5,000 blackjack table was too low limit for these individuals and they wanted to raise they stakes and hence while conversing over chat they decided to place a bet on Charlie Sheen.

The terms of the bet need Charlie Sheen to reach three different milestones in the near future for the bet to be won. Today, bets made across chats are equal to the bets made across gaming tables in casinos and as a result this bet also is going to hold. Although, not much information is available regarding the bet, it was supposedly made between two gentlemen who were playing mobile blackjack at the All Slots Mobile Casino.

Whatever the case maybe, Charlie Sheen’s seems to have bleak future of getting back to work and some of the producers are giving him only a 10% chance of getting back on air.

This blog entry was posted on Wednesday, March 23rd, 2011 at 6:01 am and is filed under Blackjack News.

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