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Study: Your Eyes Give You Away Playing Blackjack

This week a study by Kevin Holmes of Colorado College revealed that a player’s eyes have a tendency to glance to a side depending on their cards.

The study, which is titled “Gamble on gaze: Eye movements reflect the numerical value of blackjack hands“, revealed that players who have high-value cards tend to look to the right, while those with low-value cards tend to look to the left. This is an involuntary behavior, as players are doing math in their heads to calculate their best move.

The study used two blackjack experiments, wherein 58 participants played blackjack on a computer, with their eye movements being recorded.

Speaking about the study Holmes said, “Gamble on gaze: Eye movements reflect the numerical value of blackjack hands.”

The study has been published in the Psychonomic Bulletin & Review.

The implications for this study have not been revealed, but will update this story as more developments arise.

This blog entry was posted on Tuesday, July 5th, 2016 at 4:27 pm and is filed under Blackjack News.

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