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Security of Android mobile gaming drops

Based on the recent findings of the Cisco 2013 Annual Security Report, the security of
mobile gambling on the Android platform has dropped when compared to what it was
12 months ago. Nevertheless, it is still safe to go online and play your favorite online
blackjack or online poker games as long as you are cautious at all times.

One of the reasons for a drop in security is because the overall number of Android
malware encounters has grown exponentially by 2,577% in 2012. While those numbers
do appear scary, they nevertheless account for only a mere 0.5% of online malware

The report cautions online gambling enthusiasts to be careful at all times. Players were
encouraged to trust their instincts and not click on a link, especially if they have a doubt
about the same. Players were also encouraged to play only on trusted casino websites or
visit recommendations that come in from a reputed source.

Even when you go to websites that are recommended or popular, do not presume that
third party advertising on these websites are safe to click on. It is better for you to be
cautious at all times and also to invest in reliable protection.

This blog entry was posted on Tuesday, April 2nd, 2013 at 9:40 pm and is filed under Blackjack News.

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